Prof. Dr. Michael M. Krämer

Fakultät 04
Raum: R 4.003
Adresse: 80335 München, Lothstraße 64
T +49 89 1265-3453
F +49 89 1265-3403
- Fach- und Aufgabenbereiche
- Elektrische und magnetische Felder
- Gleichstromnetze
- Wechselstromnetze
- Elektronische Schaltungstechnik
- Hochfrequenzschaltungstechnik, analoge Schaltungstechnik
- Leistungsverstärkerentwurf
- Envelope Tracking
- Elektromagnetische u. Schaltungssimulation
Internationale Fachzeitschriften (Erstautor) |
J1. Kraemer, M; Dragomirescu, D. and Plana, R. (2011), „Design of a very low-power, low-cost 60 GHz receiver front-end implemented in 65 nm CMOS technology”, EuMA International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies (Cambridge University Press), pp 131-138, Vol. 3, Special Issue 2, March 2011 |
J2. Kraemer, M.; Dragomirescu, D. and Plana, R. (2010), „A High Efficiency Differential 60 GHz VCO in a 65 nm CMOS Technology for WSN Applications", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 21, N°6, June 2011, pp. 314 – 316 |
J3. Kraemer, M.; Dragomirescu, D. and Plana, R. (2009), „A Nonlinear Order-Reducing Behavioral Modeling Approach for Microwave Oscillators", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory an Techniques, Vol.57, N°4, Part II, pp.991-1006, April 2009 |
Internationale Konferenzen (Erstautor) |
I1. Kraemer, M.; Ercoli, M.; Dragomirescu, D. and Plana, R. (2010), „A wideband single-balanced down-mixer for the 60GHz band in 65nm CMOS", IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, Yokohama (Japan), 7-10 December 2010 |
vI2. Kraemer, M.; Dragomirescu, D. and Plana, R. (2010), „A dual-gate 60GHz direct up-conversion mixer with active IF balun in 65nm CMOS", IEEE International Conference on Wireless Information Technology and Systems, Hawaii (USA), 2.August – 3.September 2010 |
I3. Kraemer, M.; Dragomirescu, D.; Rumeau, A. and Plana, R. (2010), „On the De-embedding of Small Value Millimeter-wave CMOS Inductor Measurements", 5th German Microwave Conference 2010, Berlin (Germany), 15.-17. March 2010, p. 194-197. |
I4. Kraemer, M.; Dragomirescu, D. and Plana, R. (2010), „Accurate Electromagnetic Simulation and Measurement of Millimeter-wave Inductors in Bulk CMOS Technology", 10th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, New Orleans (USA), 11.-13. January 2010, p. 61 - 64. |
I5. Kraemer, M.; Dragomirescu, D. and Plana, R. (2009), „A low-power high-gain LNA for the 60 GHz band in a 65 nm CMOS technology", IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, Singapore (Singapore), 7-10 December 2009, p. 1156 -1159. |
I6. Kraemer, M.; Dragomirescu, D.; Puyal, V. and Plana, R. (2009), „A VHDL-AMS model of RF MEMS capacitive shunt switches", International Semiconductor Conference CAS, Sinaia (Romania), 12-14 October 2009, pp.307-310 |
I7. Kraemer, M.; Dragomirescu, D. and Plana, R. (2008), „Nonlinear Behavioral Modeling of Oscillators using Artificial Neural Networks", IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium, Atlanta (USA), 15.-17. June 2008, p. 689-692. |
I8. Kraemer, M.; Dragomirescu, D. and Plana, R. (2008), “A novel technique to create behavioral models of differential oscillators in VHDL-AMS", Xth International Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Methods, Modeling and Applications to Circuit Design, Erfurt (Germany), 7.-8. October 2008, p. 241-246. |
I9. Kraemer, M.; Lecointre, A.; Dragomirescu, D. and Plana, R. (2007), „Architecture Considerations for 60 GHz Pulse Transceiver Front-Ends", International Semiconductor Conference CAS, Sinaia (Romania), 15-17 October 2007, pp.425-428 |
Internationale Fachzeitschriften (Erstautor) |
N1. Kraemer, M. (2010), „Conception et modélisation d’une tête RF à faible consommation pour un emetteur-récepteur à 60GHz en CMOS nm", Journée de l’école doctorale GEET, Toulouse, 11 March 2010 |
N2. Kraemer, M.; Dragomirescu, D. and Plana, R. (2009), „Modélisation comportementale des oscillateurs micro-ondes en utilisant des réseaux de neurons", 16èmes Journées Nationales Microondes, Grenoble, 27-29 May 2009 |
N3. Kraemer, M.; Dragomirescu, D. and Plana, R. (2009), „Conception et modélisation d’une tête RF pour un émetteur récepteur impulsionnel à 60 GHz en technologie CMOS sub-micronique", Journées Nationales du Réseau Doctoral de microélectronique, Lyon, 18-20 May 2009 |
N4. Kraemer, M.; Dragomirescu, D.; Puyal, V. and Plana, R. (2009), „VHDL-AMS model of RF-MEMS switches for use in the simulation of heterogeneous systems", Colloque GDR SOC-SIP, Paris, 10-12 June 2009 |
N5. Kraemer, M.; Dragomirescu, D. and Plana, R. (2008), „VHDL-AMS models of millimeter-wave oscillators for simulations of system-on-chip behavior", Colloque GDR SOC SIP, Paris,5-7 June 2008 |
Konferenzbeiträge (Koautor) |
K1. Ercoli, M.; Kraemer, M.; Dragomirescu, D. and Plana, R. (2010), „An high performance integrated balun for 60GHz application in 65nm CMOS technology", ", IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, Yokohama (Japan), 7-10 December 2010 |
K2. Dragomirescu, D.; Kraemer, M.; Jatlaoui, M.M.; Pons, P; Aubert, H.; Thain, A. and Plana, R. (2010), „60GHz wireless nano-sensors network for structure health monitoring as enabler for safer, greener aircrafts", International Conference Advanced Topics in Optoelectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies, Constanta (Romania), 26-29 August 2010 |
K3. Ercoli, M.; Kraemer, M.; Dragomirescu, D. and Plana, R. (2010), „An ultra small passive balun for 60 GHz applications in CMOS 65nm technology", IEEE International NEWCAS Conference, Montréal (Canada), 20-23 June 2010, pp.329-332 |
K4. Ercoli, M.; Kraemer, M.; Dragomirescu, D. and Plana, R. (2010), „A Passive mixer for 60GHz Applications in CMOS 65nm Technology", 5th German Microwave Conference 2010, Berlin (Germany), 15-17 March 2010 |
K5. Ott, A.T.; Blech, M.D.; Kraemer, M. and Eibert, T.F.: „Enhanced parameter determination of an empirical UWB channel model for european building standards”, 4th German Microwave Conference 2009, München (Germany), 16-18 March 2009 |